Heavenly Citizenship – Eternal Security
Bob Ensminger
Pastor's Corner
Hits: 356
Today is July 1. The year is half over. But what a year it has been already! A virus pandemic, social unrest, political upheaval, and economic uncertainty. What are we to think? How can we have stability in a topsy-turvey world? The only answer is to fix our lives on something that never changes; a foundation true and secure; a haven that cannot be overturned. Is this possible?
Jesus said (as recorded in Matthew 7:24-27) that the person who listens to what He says, and does what He says, will be like a man who builds his house on a rock that withstands all the storms of life and never moves. In contrast He said that the one who hears what He says, but does not do what He says, is like a foolish man who builds his house on sand. This house will fall (and a great fall it will be – a total disaster!) when the storms hit it.
Having your “house” built on the “rock” of Jesus Christ means placing your faith and trust completely in Him for salvation. In doing so, you become a citizen in the eternal kingdom of heaven – a security that nothing on earth can overthrow (Philippians 3:20). Do you have that security today?