The Eyes of the Lord
Bob Ensminger
Pastor's Corner
Hits: 304
The LORD is in his holy temple, the LORD’S throne is in heaven: his eyes behold, his eyelids try, the children of men (Psalm 11:4)”
Have you ever had the feeling that someone was watching you? How did it make you feel? Perhaps it made you feel “creepy”! Or, if you knew that you were doing something wrong and suddenly you realized that someone was watching you, you tried to hide or make it appear that everything was okay.
The truth is that someone IS watching you all the time AND keeping records! How does that make you feel?
That “someone” is God Himself. He sees everything and knows everything. He is also keeping records of everything in what the Apostle John described as “the books” in Revelation 20:12. These “books” are the record of every man’s “works” – whatever he has done. These “works” are then the criteria by which every man is judged.
However, there is another “book” mentioned there in Revelation 20:15 which supercedes “the books” – it is called “The Lamb’s Book of Life”. If a person’s name is found in that book he will not suffer eternal torment in the Lake of Fire.
What is this “book of life”? It is a record of everyone who has had their sins forgiven (“the books” wiped clean) by the blood of Jesus Christ.
God sees and knows everything. But He is also willing to forgive all through faith in Jesus Christ. Is your name written in The Lamb’s Book of Life”?
(See “Five Questions” to find out how your name can be included in The Lamb’s Book of Life).